在Extjs Grid扩展一个链接按钮列


想要在Extjs grid每一行添加一个链接或者添加一个按钮,怎么办?


方法二就是我将要介绍的。 ActionColumn是显示一个图标按钮,而我需要一个链接按钮呢?改写ActionColumn代码即可。

 * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
 * licensing@sencha.com
 * http://www.sencha.com/license
Ext.grid.LinkColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Column, {
    header: ' ',
    linkIdRe: /x-link-col-(\d+)/,

    constructor: function(cfg) {
        var me = this,
            items = cfg.items || (me.items = [me]),
            l = items.length,

        Ext.grid.LinkColumn.superclass.constructor.call(me, cfg);

        me.renderer = function(v, meta) {
//          Allow a configured renderer to create initial value (And set the other values in the "metadata" argument!)
            v = Ext.isFunction(cfg.renderer) ? cfg.renderer.apply(this, arguments)||'' : '';

            meta.css += ' x-link-col-cell';
            for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                item = items[i];
                v += '<a href="javascript:;" class="x-link-col-icon x-link-col-' + String(i) + ' ' + (Ext.isFunction(item.getClass) ? item.getClass.apply(item.scope||this.scope||this, arguments) : '') + '"' +
                    ((item.tooltip) ? ' ext:qtip="' + item.tooltip + '"' : '') + '>' + (item.text||'') + '</a>';
                if (i < l - 1) v += '    ';
            return v;

    destroy: function() {
        delete this.items;
        delete this.renderer;
        return Ext.grid.LinkColumn.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments);

     * @private
     * Process and refire events routed from the GridView's processEvent method.
     * Also fires any configured click handlers. By default, cancels the mousedown event to prevent selection.
     * Returns the event handler's status to allow cancelling of GridView's bubbling process.
    processEvent : function(name, e, grid, rowIndex, colIndex){
        var m = e.getTarget().className.match(this.linkIdRe),
            item, fn;
        if (m && (item = this.items[parseInt(m[1], 10)])) {
            if (name == 'click') {
                (fn = item.handler || this.handler) && fn.call(item.scope||this.scope||this, grid, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e);
            } else if ((name == 'mousedown') && (item.stopSelection !== false)) {
                return false;
        return Ext.grid.LinkColumn.superclass.processEvent.apply(this, arguments);

//register ptype
Ext.preg('linkcolumn', Ext.grid.LinkColumn);

// register Column xtype
Ext.grid.Column.types.linkcolumn = Ext.grid.LinkColumn;


引用扩展的文件后,在grid columns加一个xtype: ‘linkcolumn’的列

            xtype: 'linkcolumn',
            header: '操作',
            width: 100,
            sortable: true,
            items: [{
                text: '查看',
                handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
                    var record = grid.store.getAt(rowIndex);
                    new stat_task_his_win({
                        record: record