
遇到一些库安装不上,可以忽略掉,具体见网址 http://blog.useasp.net/archive/2014/05/07/compile-and-install-python-2-dot-7-dot-6-on-centos.aspx  

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
   _bsddb             _sqlite3           _ssl
   _tkinter           bsddb185           bz2
   dbm                gdbm               readline
To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name.
模块 依赖 说明
_bsddb bsddb Interface to Berkeley DB library。Berkeley数据库的接口
_curses ncurses Terminal handling for character-cell displays。
_curses_panel ncurses A panel stack extension for curses。
_sqlite3 sqlite DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases。SqlLite,CentOS可以安装sqlite-devel
_ssl openssl-devel.i686 TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects。
_tkinter N/A a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk。如果不使用桌面程序可以忽略TKinter
bsddb185 old bsddb module 老的bsddb模块,可忽略。
bz2 bzip2-devel.i686 Compression compatible with bzip2。bzip2-devel
dbm bsddb Simple “database” interface。
dl N/A Call C functions in shared objects.Python2.6开始,已经弃用。
gdbm gdbm-devel.i686 GNU’s reinterpretation of dbm
imageop N/A Manipulate raw image data。已经弃用。
readline readline-devel GNU readline interface
sunaudiodev N/A Access to Sun audio hardware。这个是针对Sun平台的,CentOS下可以忽略
zlib Zlib Compression compatible with gzip