hdfs complete file 超时

修改一下超时次数,具体代码在 DFSOutputStream.java private void completeFile(ExtendedBlock last) throws IOException { long localstart = Time.now(); long localTimeout = 400; boolean fileComplete = false; int retries = dfsClient.getConf().nBlockWriteLocateFollowingRetry; while (!fileComplete) { fileComplete……


DiskChecker负责检查目录是否有建目录和判断权限。 datanode BlockPoolSlice.checkDirs() DataNode.checkDiskError() nodeManager LocalDirsHandlerService.checkDirs()

hbase shell创建表命令

create 'ucbrowser_imei2', {NAME=>'date', VERSIONS=>5} disable 'test_imei' drop 'test_imei' # 预先指定分区 create 'ucbrowser_utdid', 'date', { VERSIONS => '5', DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING => 'PREFIX', COMPRESSION => 'SNAPPY', SPLITS=>['03ufUX/IWscQABV+EwvaHDOo']} # 预先分区(200个reg……

hdfs exceeds the limit of concurrent xcievers

版本: hadoop cdh5.4 datanode jstack,很多这样的线程 "DataXceiver for client unix:/var/run/hdfs-sockets/dn [Waiting for operation #1]" daemon prio=10 tid=0x00007ffc42de9000 nid=0x68f8 waiting on condition [0x00007ffacbd1d000] java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking) at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)……